Thursday, September 3, 2020

Movie Trailer

A child and his dad are sitting at their table the father articulates, â€Å"l love Jell-O. † â€Å"Why? ‘ the child asked, â€Å"Well†¦ † The dad started rattling off the run of the mill father's life to his child. The camera skillet to the child as he imagines himself from his father's point of view. The father tells his child that each morning he awakens â€Å"with somewhat less hair† the child is then appeared In his father's garments gazing in the mirror with little hair on his head.Then he needs to â€Å"drive to work In overwhelming traffic† says the father as you see the kid anxiously driving scarcely ready to see over the guiding wheel driving in the middle of two semi-trucks. The father at that point discloses to his child when he got the opportunity to work his manager had let him know â€Å"the venture he had been chipping away at for a year was dropped. † You see the child shading an image as his manager removes it and tears it up, the camera at that point skillet back to the kid's distressed face. The father and the child are back at the table and the father expresses that â€Å"Jell-O pudding compensates for all of that.The child takes a gander at his father and gives him his pudding, â€Å"here, you need this more than me† (Jell-O pudding) Jell-Co's objective was to accomplish the crowd of fathers and children in this particular notice. They had indicated the dad's regular daily existence through the eyes of his kid partner the two jobs in the business. The promotion ends up being ethos relating the dads portrayed day to a commonplace dads regular daily existence. The Jell-O In the business Is utilized to depict their pudding as a pressure reliever and It â€Å"makes up for al of that† comparative with the dads awful day.At the finish of the business the youngster hands his dad the Jell-O in the wake of picturing the day his father had at work, this held the crowd prisoner to the deli ghtful kid liberally giving his persevering dad his one Jell-O pudding nibble utilizing the sentiment influence. The sole reason for the business was to propel the purchaser to purchase Jell-O items since it eases the entirety of their pressure and sets them feeling better. Harden O makes the crowd think about their unpleasant day at work and how they could identify with the ether and son.They do as such in the business by making them feel like they need the pudding to mitigate their pressure and accept that It really works. At the point when the dad expresses that â€Å"l love Jell-O† and starts enlightening his child concerning his day and due to the association fathers have with his situation they would need to feel a similar way the dad in the business did in the wake of eating the pudding. The tone that is depicted day of work and with the symbolism of a kid with the main hairlines, driving created traffic and working is very comical.The loathsome day the dad had delinea ted the discouraging side of a regular dads' day by day nurturing an upsetting tone to the business. Harden O had sold its item adequately to the dad and child crowd through genuine circumstances yet needed visuals of the pudding. The sponsor surpassed in clinging to their focused on crowd and including both ethos and feeling impact catching the watcher's eye with giggling and hopelessness which is a successful method of eating a purchaser to cling to their product.People may consider the to be as delectable in light of the fact that the dad said he â€Å"loves Jell-O† in any case, the ad doesn't state why he cherishes it or shows in detail the item itself to get a visual thought of what the purchasers will be eating. Generally the business was fruitful in satisfying their goal of depicting a reasonable domain to get the dad and child crowd for their item, Jell-O pudding. Works Cited Jell-O pudding. Notice. OCW. 4 Jan 2014. TV

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Share Price Prediction and Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Offer Price Prediction and Analysis - Essay Example Coming up next is a basic survey of such writing. What's more, the conversation applies an amalgamation of two methodologies/models distinguished to anticipate the offer costs for Tesco Plc from the distributions of the firm’s fiscal summaries for 2008 and 2009. Ultimately, this conversation endeavors to test the methodology by contrasting these two arrangements of expectations and real offer costs. A finishing up comment, which remarks on the outcomes, wraps up the paper. Approaches/Models at Predicting Share Costs In present moment or medium-term, various models or approaches are utilized in anticipating the future costs of portions of different organizations. Offer costs of organizations may take various structures, for example, direct, level, cyclic, or occasional as impacted by winning business sector and ecological components (Hassan, et al., 2007). Because of absence of forecast techniques that give least expectation mistake, financial specialists will in general apply various strategies in this way contrasting their outcomes in an offer with finding the best model or way to deal with use (Chen, et al., 2003). ... Counterfeit Neural Network (ANN) is an offer value forecast strategy that is usually utilized. For a long time, ANN has been created and rebuilt so as to give proficient and successful exhibitions on foreseeing share costs of firms in a stock trade for motivations behind speculation (Tom, et al, 2000). In any case, most indicators utilized single measurement of ANN (Kim and Shin, 2007). Use of single measurements in anticipating share costs once in a while gives a chance to find the choice guideline that the model uses while making the forecasts (Hassan, et al, 2007). Counterfeit Neural Network is an offer value expectation model or approach, which is made through incitement of natural focal sensory system of speculators or indicators (Swales and Yoon, 2002). One reason clarifying its broad application is the capacity to foresee share costs from huge databases (Olson and Mossman, 2003). Back-proliferation calculation is the premise of Artificial Neural Network in anticipating share c osts of firms. ANN back proliferation work is typically spoken to by the accompanying capacity: Where, xi is the entirety of data sources, which is increased by their separate loads wji; Aj is the anticipated offer an incentive under the ANN model; and n is the end time frame in which the valuation is done. Choice tree (DT) model then again is an information mining model or approach utilized in anticipating or estimating share costs inside a stock trade showcase. One reason for its broad application is the way that DT has an incredible capacity and ability of depicting cause just as impact connections of different stock costs. From the ideas or use of DT, financial specialists are

Friday, August 21, 2020

Strategic Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Vital Operations Management - Essay Example Hayes (p 10) says that tasks job is greater than that of only implementer of system. It is here that new thoughts develop, new information, abilities and learnings are getting obtained. New methodologies are regularly emerging even as one is being actualized. Emanant feeling of what the system ought to be will originated from the encounters and criticism from its working staff dependent on which mid course technique amendments should be possible. A tasks methodology is never finished without a fitting usage plan. The reasonability of technique relies urgently upon the way of its execution; a sound usage can rescue poor system and best of methodologies can be destroyed by terrible usage (Bettley et al). For this the arrangement must be obviously explained, alongside a checking plan. It will obviously convey to the activities group the basis behind the arrangement, the job of various capacities, linkage between practical objectives and methodology, lucidity on ideas like market qualifiers and market champs and furthermore the tradeoffs expected. It will obviously impart the beginning, courses of events results and the activity required by each capacity. It will be clear about asset designation and plans for filling in holes (for instance new preparing in client taking care of, preparing for utilization of new IT innovation, and so forth). For example the technique may call for more noteworthy re-appropriating as opposed to asse mbling which may mean littler spending plans and run any desires for extension for the assembling division. The method of reasoning behind this should be obviously conveyed. At long last it will have a reasonable usage motivation on when to begin, where to begin, the pace of execution, how it will be composed and by whom. For the tasks technique to be effective, it would should be a communitarian exertion. Operating system ought not follow a top-down methodology alone; it ought to be overwhelmingly base up. For one it would help in drawing upon the information and experience of the tasks group. It will likewise be a certain technique for conveying to the activities group the business procedure the association is following. It will be the surest method to guarantee propriety of the methodology since tasks director will have the option to see the fit better than any other person and come out with holes and weaknesses of the assets to meet the procedure. This methodology would likewise guarantee the straightforwardness and speed of usage as a great part of the subtleties of the arrangement are as of now impressively disguised by the activities group. Sadler (2000) says that an appropriate arranging process including occupied chiefs who are exceptionally focussed on activities and a facilitator would enormously expand the opportunity of achievement of execution of tasks technique. Companion (p 247) says that methodology so created must be conveyed to the activities group such that they will take responsibility for usage. Creating and conveying the arrangement will dodge hierarchical nearsightedness, i.e., powerlessness to see between their own utilitarian divisions. It will likewise keep away from undesirable grouse some utilitarian individual may create in light of the fact that they feel that their area of expertise has been dismissed. Companion likewise says that a procedure created in a cooperative way

Sunday, June 7, 2020

These Colleges Produce The Most Fortune 500 CEOs -

These Colleges Produce The Most Fortune 500 CEOs by: Gregory Yang on November 08, 2018 | 0 Comments Comments 3,625 Views November 8, 2018The University of Wisconsin currently has the most alums as Fortune 500 CEOs. Photo by Jeff Miller/UW-MadisonThe number one undergraduate college that produces the most Fortune 500 CEOs? University of Wisconsin.A new study by Kittleman, a source for nonprofit leaders, examined all 500 CEOs of Fortune 500 companies to see where each earned their undergraduate degree.  You might think most CEOs come from Ivy League universities, but the study by Kittleman proves that to be wrong. In some ways. The University of Wisconsin came out on top with 14 CEOs currently at Fortune 500 companies. Following in second was Harvard University with 12 CEOs. Among the top 10, only two schools are Ivy League universities: Harvard (at second) and Cornell (at third).Kittleman’s study focused exclusively on undergraduate schools that Fortune 500 CEOs attended . After calculating results, Kittleman then broke down the numbers into categories such as public vs. private and conference. Similarly, they also used the same methodology to determine non-profit CEOs and leaders.Kittleman imageBROKEN DOWN BY CONFERENCE AND PRIVATE VS. PUBLICAmong the conferences, the Big Ten produces the most Fortune 500 CEOs, with 62 or 12.4% of the 500. Coming in second is the ACC, which produced 28 CEOs, or 5.6% of the 500. In third is the SEC with 26 CEOS (5.2%), with the Pac-12 following, producing 24 CEOs (4.8%).Kittleman’s research finds that it probably doesn’t matter much whether or not you attend a private or public undergraduate university. Among the top 30 schools, there is an even split of CEOs between private and public schools. At a closer look, it’s also important to note that 3.6% of Fortune 500 CEOs did not attend undergrad and another 11.2% attended international universities.NON-PROFIT RESULTSWhich schools produce the most nonprofit leaders?Yale came out on top with four nonprofit leaders. Following closely were Georgetown, Princeton, State University of New York, University of Wisconsin, and UC-Berkeley.Taking a closer look at schools that produced nonprofit leaders, it’s important to note that a majority of nonprofit leaders actually attended private schools. Only nine top nonprofit leaders didn’t attend any university and four attended international schools.EDUCATION GETS YOU PLACES — MOSTLYKittleman imageAcademic credentials are certainly an important factor in moving up the career ladder and even to move up socioeconomic levels.  According to the Harvard Business Review, nearly a third of jobs that once required only a high school diploma, now require a four-year college degree. Whats more, 25% of jobs that required a bachelor’s degree now require a master’s.Yet, the Harvard Business Review’s CEO Genome Project, which examined more than 17,000 C-suite e xecutive assessments, found that 8% of CEOs did not complete college at all. According to the Harvard Business Review, that 8% of CEOs overcame the odds in three ways: becoming a proven insider, over indexing on results, and being a talent magnet.Becoming a proven insider starts by gaining deep industry-specific and firm-specific knowledge. Despite having not attended college, 89% of CEOs without college degrees â€Å"grew up† in the same industry where they served as CEO.â€Å"Employers often feel safer hiring industry and company insiders,† according to the Harvard Business Review. â€Å"These CEOs’ deep knowledge and relationships gave them a platform for success that more than compensated for lack of formal education.†Moreover, without a college degree, these CEOs needed to let their results speak for themselves.â€Å"As we shared in What Sets Successful CEOs Apart, reliability is one of four CEO Genome behaviors that differentiates successful CEOs à ¢â‚¬â€ and the only one that also doubles your chances of getting hired into the role,† the Harvard Business Review reports.Interestingly enough, CEO’s without a college degree also had roughly twice the rate of military experience than the overall CEO pool that was analyzed.â€Å"In the absence of a college degree, military experience can offer opportunities to learn important skills and demonstrate results in early leadership experiences,† the Harvard Business Review reports.Surrounding yourself around talented individuals can also help if you aren’t attending college.â€Å"The CEOs without degrees that we analyzed were more likely than their peers to proactively surround themselves with strong talent and lean on the team to contribute expertise,† according to the Harvard Business Review. â€Å"They were humble, and more open to soliciting ideas from all types of people, regardless of status or rank.†It’s important to note that thes e 8% of CEOs are exceptions. But the Harvard Business Review study highlights an interesting point: Knowing your field, delivering results, and learning from others are perhaps just as important as that expensive college degree.â€Å"Each of us faces our own formidable hurdles on the way to the top. While the CEOs we studied surmounted the extra obstacle of not having gone to college, we think their career paths can provide lessons to other leaders regardless of their level of education. We will all do a better job if we learn our business deeply, focus on delivering results, and learn to lean on others.†(See the following page for the full list of schools with CEOs at Fortune 500 companies and nonprofits.) Page 1 of 212 »

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ergotism in The Salem Witch Trials - 567 Words

Ergotism in Salem The Salem Witch Trials were a horrendous event in the history of America and was the first of its kind. A question that has risen up numerous times is what was the actual cause of the trials. We know that a few girls made the first accusations, but why. I will now explain how Salem became one of the most notorious towns in Massachusetts. Ergot poisoning was the cause for the witch trials as it caused the girls to become crazed and delirious. First you may ask yourself what exactly is Ergot poisoning. Ergot is a fungal disease of rye that grows in the ear of the Cereal. Early colonists reported that they were dissatisfied with the common grass as it made their cattle ill.Ergot was first medically reported only a few years before the trials. This means that ergotism was a relevant disease at the time of the trials.You can acquire ergot poisoning simply by eating contaminated bread therefore the girls would not know that they were being poisoned. Ergotism Symptoms include crawling sensation in the skin and tingling in the fingers, vertigo, headaches, disturbances in sensation, painful muscular contractions leading to convulsions and vomiting. A few of the mental disturbances include mania, melancholia, psychosis, and delirium.(Caporeal 23)The accusers may have lost their minds to this awful disease. The biting, pinching, and pricking with pins may allude to the crawling sensations under the skin experienced by ergotism vict ims.(caporeal 25) The location ofShow MoreRelatedSalem Witch Trials And Convulsive Ergotism1875 Words   |  8 PagesThe Salem Witches trials started with eight girls’ strange behavior they became ill with strange â€Å"distempers† in December 1691. A few months later, in February 1692, a local doctor suggested the girls were bewitched (Caporael 21). This ignited the sudden growth of witchcraft accusations in the Salem area. Today, there are various theories explaining these unusual afflictions including convulsive ergotism and an encephalitis epidemic (Caporael, Matossian 355, Carlson xvi). The Salem Witches were relativelyRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials Of Colonial Massachusetts1473 Words   |  6 PagesThe infamous Salem witch trials of colonial Massachusetts took place between 1692 and 1693. They involved the execution of fourteen women and five men within the brief time period. What is now the New England region had been established by a homogenous Puritan population, which emigra ted from England. Abiding by a strict set of beliefs, the Puritans did not accept people of other backgrounds,therefore it might follow that the Salem Witch Trials of New England were a result of the strict Puritan societyRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials : A Devastating Event958 Words   |  4 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials was a devastating event in which 19 people and dogs were killed due to the cry of witchcraft. The outburst of these events could be blamed on several things. Certain things like economics, medicines and culture have to be taken into account when trying to understand the events of the Salem Witch Trials. People like Franklin Jr. Mixon, Linnda R. Caporael, Dr. Allan Woolf, Elaine G. Brewslaw, and Isaac Ariail Reed take into account one of the three: economics, medicines and cultureRead MoreEssay on Ergotism, Hysteria, and Disorders Detected in Salem889 Words   |  4 PagesMany people believe the Salem Witch Trials were caused by Ergotism, while others believe it to be just a form of hysteria, but what if I told you it could have been all of those combined together with another theory added in? In the story, The Crucible, mass hysteria broke out all through Salem being caused by the witch trials. The witch trials, however, may not have been the only thing causing the hysteria. Argot poisoning in the water along with puritan pressure causing the little girls to actRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials Is Unknown1590 Words   |  7 Pages It is due to contrasting views and opinions that the real cause of the Salem Witch Trials is unknown. It is through major factors like the personal context of the historian that there are these differing thoughts. The people and society that a person is surrounded by for an extended amount of time can help to mold and create the personal opinions that a historian may hold. Historian’s thought have been shaped and changed by the people and places that they spent a large amount of time around, theyRead More Plants and Superstitions Essay1739 Words   |  7 Pageshappened they blamed another superstition, which was witchcraft. Almost all of the witchcraft misunderstandings were caused by Christianitys persecution of those who refused to abandon pagan beliefs (Zolar, 1995), but not in the case of the Salem Witch trials. In 1692 superstitions somehow became the way of thinking. The misuse of it led to the executions of many innocent people in this country. Witchcraft was the crime, for which they were wrongly accused. Fact Net Inc. (see Internet Source)Read MoreThe Trials Of Salem Witch Trials2374 Words   |  10 Pagesfor the cause of the Salem Witch Trials in 1692 have been offered by historians since the first girl fell ill to bewitchment in December 1961. This marked the beginning of the witch hunt that ended with the death of twenty convicted â€Å"witches†. Historical writers have tried to allocate one particular factor or event as the cause of the Trials, but it is more likely that many of these factors and events are connected and a number of these issues are at the centre of the trials. The context that theseRead MoreThe Trials Of The Salem Witch Trials1866 Words   |  8 Pagessurrounding the cause of the Salem Witch Trials 1692 makes the topic captivating as many historian perspec tives offer explanations for the causation of the trials, yet the personal context of each historian has determined its historic reliability. This questions the level of objectivity each historian has in their responses to the Trials. The aims and purposes of a historian, as well as their differing methodologies may alter the approach the have towards the investigation of the Trials. Many interpretationsRead MoreThe Case Of Captain Alden846 Words   |  4 Pagesclaimed that, â€Å"the man told her so.† This account helps to show how some people could had an influence on the outcome of the trials. When a victim couldn t identify the specter, people around would them bombard the victim with names. Some accounts also seem to suggest that Samuel Parris and his supporters terrorized villagers and even had some controlled over the trials. Considering that his two daughter were among the first to become â€Å"bewitch† it would make sense for Samuel Parris to take advantageR ead MoreThe Causes Of Witchcraft Hysteria In The Salem Witch Trials1110 Words   |  5 PagesHowever, those who read it took it as a permit to kill witches (â€Å"Witches: A Century of Murder.† 1). Because of this, a paranoia that witches were constantly among them quickly set in, striking fear into those who felt most vulnerable. In the Salem witch trials, Samuel Parris, a Puritan minister in the town at the time, was victim to this paranoia - desperately trying to cleanse his town from the evil of witches (The Crucible, Miller). With a lust for seeking out those involved in witchcraft, the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Eco Terrorism and Violence in The United States - 1656 Words

Eco terrorism has been said by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be the most significant domestic terror threat facing the United States today (Environmental). This assumption could not be any more true. Everyday, the lives of many innocent citizens and animals are put in danger just for a group of people to try to make a statement about what they believe is right, and what they believe is wrong. These actions are usually committed by individuals who believe that the exploitation of natural resources and despoliation of the environment are becoming so severe that action outside of conventional legal and environmental channels is required (Ecoterrorism. Pollution). Although this may be effective in getting the wanted attention†¦show more content†¦Though most groups are targeting the higher-ups in a business or production, many of the lower level workers are being harmed in their attempts. Putting people in danger to make a statement is not the right way to approach the situation. Legal actions should, and are often taken against these individuals that see it necessary to cause destruction to fix a problem. Because of their violent actions, environmental activists have been legally deemed terrorists. They have inflicted millions of dollars in damages and have maimed innocent people (Ecoterrorism: The Dangerous). The term Eco terrorist came into play because the goal of these domestic terrorists are the same as those of international terrorists; to threaten a legitimately elected government through causing domestic unrest and threatening the peaceful orderliness of society (Environmental). Main targets of these acts include forestation projects, hydro-electric operations, resource production, and land based telecommunication and energy services (Nilson). The term terrorist has also been labeled upon on these activists because the means utilized by domestic terrorists are very similar to those of international terrorists. Both groups target unarmed c ivilians and carry out violent attacks without there being a war. According to the article Perspectives onEcoterrorism: Catalysts, Conflations, and Casualties, written by Randall Amster, the cycle of ecoterrorism, is not withoutShow MoreRelatedDomestic Terrorism Related Intelligence.2158 Words   |  9 PagesDomestic Terrorism-Related Intelligence Abstract Domestic terrorism is like cancer that eats away at the very values and beliefs of the American people. Instead of combining efforts to peacefully and legally enact change, domestic terrorists take the law and actions into their own hands. Groups such as eco-terrorists use firebombing to make their point that the Earth will be protected at all costs. That cost even meant human lives. Militia groups feel the same way. Their goal is not about savingRead MoreDifferent Kinds of Terrorism3703 Words   |  15 PagesDifferent Types of Terrorism: 3 You have probably heard and may have used the word terrorism. When we did, it had an image in our mind. When other people used the word (terrorism) they had their own images or meanings for this term. As a result, terrorism means different things to different people. The nature of terrorism has changed over the course of history. Violent activity called terrorism at one point in time was called war. Liberation or crime in another period of history. The mediaRead MoreLittle Effort, Big Difference1905 Words   |  8 Pagesfilth spewed across everything, a terrible stench burning your nose. Now look up to the sky. Instead of of a clear blue sky, with white fluffy clouds, you see thick green smog. Now imagine that this isn’t a landfill, but your home, your town, your state. your country, your world. It’s a reality. Every thing covered in waste. This is what our world would be like without the Environmental Movement. It is important to fully develop a greater under standing of the Environmental movement; and appreciateRead MoreNuclear Energy As A Solution For Nuclear Power1095 Words   |  5 Pageswould be willing to take on such a task, especially in developing countries where the people are more reluctant to allow a power station to be built near their home. Human violence continues to prevail as one of the central issues associated with wide-scale utilization of nuclear energy, the two driving forces being terrorism and military conflict. Nuclear Reactors have been targeted multiple times by military airstrikes in the Middle East, one example being when Iran bombed the Al Tuwaitha nuclearRead MoreDomestic Terrorism And International Terrorism1939 Words   |  8 Pagesfor CJ 3340: Domestic Terrorism vs. International Terrorism Paul A. Vega Tarleton State University Domestic Terrorism vs. International Terrorism The acts of terrorism can affect the lives of many people and is not limited to those who receive physical scaring, but also people who have an emotional connection to those who are injured, and quite possibly an entire nation. To distinguish between domestic and international terrorism one must first define terrorism. It seems from regionRead MoreA Life Of Distress And Terror1544 Words   |  7 Pagesstart a protest movement for their rights and faced critical challenges within it. The ethiopian government needs to end cracking down Oromo protest with violence and mistreating the ethnic group simply because they are different. The Ethiopian government has a blueprint to expand the lands in the capital, sounds like a great idea for the counties eco and a profitable goal but that plan comes to contact with the Oromos treasured land and coastline. News and protest broke out, placing the Oromos in aRead MoreThe Rise of Domestic Terrorism in the United States2030 Words   |  8 PagesW hen discussing terrorism, the groups which most frequently come to mind are those which operate either internationally or specifically in foreign countries, such as al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Al Shabab. However, the United States has a number of domestic terror groups some well-organized, some loosely connected that have perpetrated serious attacks over the last few decades. Al-Qaedas attacks on September 11th, 2001, and the subsequent wars born out of the United States response to these attacks haveRead MoreTerrorism: an International Crisis3783 Words   |  16 PagesTerrorism is a word that tends to strike fear into the hearts of many. According to the Encarta World English Dictionary, terrorism is defined as, political violence: violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, carried out for political purposes (Terrorism, 2006). Its also a word used by leaders of states and NGOs to create polar opposite outcomes. It can either incite people to rise up against those who would try to create fear or it is used to coerceRead MoreThe United States Of America Essay2010 Words   |  9 PagesThe United States of America is a nation conformed by immigrants from all around the globe. This immigration matter is not new, because in the past there is evidence that supports that early or primitive humans moved from one place to another in tribes or groups to distant lands in the necessity of searching supplements of food, water or shelter for their survival. Scientists and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary define this specific concept of displacement of people as â€Å"nomad† ( MoreHezbollah vs Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamia3093 Words   |  13 PagesHezbollah vs. Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamia Terrorism is a problem that has been affecting our world since humans have been walking on this planet. Whether it’s dealing with suicide bombings, cyber warfare, Eco terrorism, or even nuclear terrorism it is something that all countries have to deal with at some point. One of the main priorities of the United States is to keep terrorist attacks from occurring in our country at all costs. When looking at terrorists, two dangerous groups that will be

Applying international financial reporting standard - Free Samples

Questions: Within your firms latest annual report 1. From your firms financial statement, list each item of equity and write your understanding of each item. Discuss any changes in each item of equity for your firm over the past year articulating the reasons for the change. 2. What is your firms tax expense in its latest financial statements? 3. Is this figure the same as the company tax rate times your firms accounting income? Explain why this is, or is not, the case for your firm. 4. Comment on deferred tax assets/liabilities that is reported in the balance sheet articulating the possible reasons why they have been recorded. 5. Is there any current tax assets or income tax payable recorded by your company? Why is the income tax payable not the same as income tax expense? 6. Is the income tax expense shown in the income statement same as the income tax paid shown in the cash flow statement? If not why is the difference? 7. What do you find interesting, confusing, surprising or difficult to understand about the treatment of tax in your firms financial statements? What new insights, if any, have you gained about how companies account for income tax as a result of examining your firms tax expense in its accounts? Answers: Requirement i) Items of equity are listed under liabilities section of the balance sheet profile of company. Analysis of financial statements of freedom food group limited depicts that the items of equity comprise of issued capital, non controlling interest, retained profits and reserves. Amount of equity capital for the financial year 2017 and 2016 stood at $ 249954 million and $ 169106 million respectively indicating that there has been increase in figures. Non controlling interest amounts to $ 8234 million in year 2016 and there is no amount attributable to this section in year 2017. Reserves value has increased from $ 2274 million in year 2016 as against $ 56397 million in year 2017 indicating increase in reserves generated by company ( 2018). However, value of retained earnings has reduced in the current year 2017 to $ 127879 million as against $ 128527 in year 2016 respectively ( 2018). Issued capital represents the amount that is invested and nominal value of shares that are held by shareholders of company (Tran and Zhu 2017). It incorporates shares that have been sold to shareholders in return for some considerations or cash. Non controlling interest is one of the elements of equity ownership that are not attributable to parent company having controlling interest in company. It is a type of investment where investors do not have any control (Kaya and Koch 2015). Retained earnings are the profits generated by company that is reinvested in business and they are not distributed to shareholders. Each organization has different reason by reinvesting and this might be to repay debts and for financing any new project. Reserves are one of the portions of retained earnings that is kept aside by business for particular purpose (Picker et al. 2016). Requirement ii) It has been ascertained from the observed figures of the financial statement of Freedom food group limited that the income tax expense has reduced in the current year. Value of income tax expense for financial year 2017 and 2016 stood at $ 6483 million and $ 1809 million respectively ( 2018). Requirement iii) As depicted from the statement of comprehensive income and profit and loss, the accounting income for both the financial year 2017 and 2016 is recorded at $ 9348 million and $ 57114 million respectively. Income tax expense for both the years stood at $ $ 6483 million and $ 1809 million respectively ( 2018). Effective tax rate applicable to Freedom food group limited stood at 30%. Figures for the accounting income times the tax rates for both the years are Accounting income times the tax rate for 2017= ($ 9348 million * 30%) = $ 2804.4 million Accounting income times the tax rate for 2016= ($ 57114 million * 30%) = $ 17134.2 million Now, looking at the figures for the tax expense and accounting income times the tax rate, it can be seen that there is difference between them. Income tax expense is higher than the above computed figure for financial year 2017. On other hand, income tax expenses are considerably lower than the above figures for year 2016. Differences between these two figures are attributable to differences in accounting treatment of tax accounting and financing accounting. The rules of financial and tax accounting is different and net income is not always same as taxable income (Popovic et al. 2015). Requirement iv) The balance sheet of Freedom food group limited has recorded deferred tax for both the financial year 2017 and 2016 at $ 1835 and $ 3720 million respectively ( 2018). The reason why deferred tax has created or recorded in the balance sheet is taxes that have been paid or carried forward and they are not yet recognized in the income statement. Creation of deferred tax is also because of recognition of expenses and revenue at different times of accounting standard and taxation authorities. Deferred tax assets have been recorded attributable to differences between tax base for tax liabilities and tax assets and their carrying amount in the financial statements. Tax base for liabilities and assets are the amount that is attributable to liability and assets for the purpose of taxation (Florou and Kosi 2015). Recognition of the same is done to the extent there is availability of sufficient taxable amounts that is deductible from unused tax offsets and tax losses that can be util ized. It also arises from relevant tax credits of tax consolidated group members. Requirement v) Yes, Freedom food group limited has recorded income in the liabilities section of balance sheet. The amount of income tax payable is recorded at $ 11642 and $ 11568 respectively ( 2018). Income tax expenses are the amount that appears on the income statement of company and it increases the expenses account of company. Income tax payable appears in the liability account of balance sheet. It appears as liability because it is yet to be paid by organization. Income tax payable is calculated based on the difference between income tax liabilities and income tax expenses of company and computation of income tax expenses is done based on total income generated by the organization within any particular financial year (Nastase et al. 2016). In certain situations, net income reported by company that is prepared under general accepted accounting principles is not equal to the taxable income that is reported under the tax return. Requirement vi) Total amount of income tax paid by Freedom food group limited is reported in the cash flow statement and the amount for the financial year 2017 and 2016 stood at $ 1381 million and $ 2675 million respectively. On other hand, income tax expenses for both the year stood at $ 6483 million and $ 1809 million respectively ( 2018). These figures depicts that there is difference between income tax paid and income tax expenses attributable to company. Income tax paid by organization is calculated based on actual earnings for any particular financial year. On other hand, income tax expense is calculated based on the estimated income of company. Difference in the figures of income tax paid and income tax expenses is also attributable to computation of tax based on standard business accounting rules and tax accounting (Doukakis 2014). Requirement vii) After evaluating the treatment of taxation of Freedom food group limited, it can be said that there was nothing so surprising so far. However, users will be able to gain some insights regarding the treatment of taxation under different standard of accounting and taxation. Operating tax rate of company is reflected in income tax expense of approximately 19.4% (Bamber and McMeeking 2016). However, organization has the changed their effective taxation rate that has led to increase in claim of research and development. Taxation rate that was effective in previous year incorporated one off tax adjustments relating to sales transactions of a2 Milk Company. There were no deferred tax liabilities for the current financial year. New insights that have been gained from the evaluation of the financial statements of company are that the income tax expenses in both the financial year is different from that of accounting income times the taxation rate. However, tax expense in year 2017 is more tha n accounting income times the income tax rate. On other hand, in financial year 2016, income tax expenses is less than accounting income times the taxation rate. Company has recognized deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities that are arriving from relevant tax credits and unused tax losses. References list: Bamber, M. and McMeeking, K., 2016. An examination of international accounting standard-setting due process and the implications for legitimacy. The British Accounting Review, 48(1), pp.59-73. 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