Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Eco Terrorism and Violence in The United States - 1656 Words

Eco terrorism has been said by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be the most significant domestic terror threat facing the United States today (Environmental). This assumption could not be any more true. Everyday, the lives of many innocent citizens and animals are put in danger just for a group of people to try to make a statement about what they believe is right, and what they believe is wrong. These actions are usually committed by individuals who believe that the exploitation of natural resources and despoliation of the environment are becoming so severe that action outside of conventional legal and environmental channels is required (Ecoterrorism. Pollution). Although this may be effective in getting the wanted attention†¦show more content†¦Though most groups are targeting the higher-ups in a business or production, many of the lower level workers are being harmed in their attempts. Putting people in danger to make a statement is not the right way to approach the situation. Legal actions should, and are often taken against these individuals that see it necessary to cause destruction to fix a problem. Because of their violent actions, environmental activists have been legally deemed terrorists. They have inflicted millions of dollars in damages and have maimed innocent people (Ecoterrorism: The Dangerous). The term Eco terrorist came into play because the goal of these domestic terrorists are the same as those of international terrorists; to threaten a legitimately elected government through causing domestic unrest and threatening the peaceful orderliness of society (Environmental). Main targets of these acts include forestation projects, hydro-electric operations, resource production, and land based telecommunication and energy services (Nilson). The term terrorist has also been labeled upon on these activists because the means utilized by domestic terrorists are very similar to those of international terrorists. Both groups target unarmed c ivilians and carry out violent attacks without there being a war. According to the article Perspectives onEcoterrorism: Catalysts, Conflations, and Casualties, written by Randall Amster, the cycle of ecoterrorism, is not withoutShow MoreRelatedDomestic Terrorism Related Intelligence.2158 Words   |  9 PagesDomestic Terrorism-Related Intelligence Abstract Domestic terrorism is like cancer that eats away at the very values and beliefs of the American people. Instead of combining efforts to peacefully and legally enact change, domestic terrorists take the law and actions into their own hands. Groups such as eco-terrorists use firebombing to make their point that the Earth will be protected at all costs. That cost even meant human lives. Militia groups feel the same way. Their goal is not about savingRead MoreDifferent Kinds of Terrorism3703 Words   |  15 PagesDifferent Types of Terrorism: 3 You have probably heard and may have used the word terrorism. 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