Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ergotism in The Salem Witch Trials - 567 Words

Ergotism in Salem The Salem Witch Trials were a horrendous event in the history of America and was the first of its kind. A question that has risen up numerous times is what was the actual cause of the trials. We know that a few girls made the first accusations, but why. I will now explain how Salem became one of the most notorious towns in Massachusetts. Ergot poisoning was the cause for the witch trials as it caused the girls to become crazed and delirious. First you may ask yourself what exactly is Ergot poisoning. Ergot is a fungal disease of rye that grows in the ear of the Cereal. Early colonists reported that they were dissatisfied with the common grass as it made their cattle ill.Ergot was first medically reported only a few years before the trials. This means that ergotism was a relevant disease at the time of the trials.You can acquire ergot poisoning simply by eating contaminated bread therefore the girls would not know that they were being poisoned. Ergotism Symptoms include crawling sensation in the skin and tingling in the fingers, vertigo, headaches, disturbances in sensation, painful muscular contractions leading to convulsions and vomiting. A few of the mental disturbances include mania, melancholia, psychosis, and delirium.(Caporeal 23)The accusers may have lost their minds to this awful disease. The biting, pinching, and pricking with pins may allude to the crawling sensations under the skin experienced by ergotism vict ims.(caporeal 25) The location ofShow MoreRelatedSalem Witch Trials And Convulsive Ergotism1875 Words   |  8 PagesThe Salem Witches trials started with eight girls’ strange behavior they became ill with strange â€Å"distempers† in December 1691. A few months later, in February 1692, a local doctor suggested the girls were bewitched (Caporael 21). This ignited the sudden growth of witchcraft accusations in the Salem area. 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In 1692 superstitions somehow became the way of thinking. The misuse of it led to the executions of many innocent people in this country. Witchcraft was the crime, for which they were wrongly accused. Fact Net Inc. (see Internet Source)Read MoreThe Trials Of Salem Witch Trials2374 Words   |  10 Pagesfor the cause of the Salem Witch Trials in 1692 have been offered by historians since the first girl fell ill to bewitchment in December 1961. This marked the beginning of the witch hunt that ended with the death of twenty convicted â€Å"witches†. Historical writers have tried to allocate one particular factor or event as the cause of the Trials, but it is more likely that many of these factors and events are connected and a number of these issues are at the centre of the trials. 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